Welcome to my "peedie" blog!
I will be posting from time to time news and developments on Graham's Orkney Tours, my brand new tour guiding venture starting in 2024!

Whisky & Archaeology Tour

I wanted to give you an insight into a tour I did recently with an international group of whisky connoisseurs who came all the way to Orkney to sample our locally distilled whisky.

Our wedding cog. Dusted off and brought on tour!

This winter I have been doing a recce of hidden corners of Orkney in preparation for guiding and today was the island of Shapinsay's turn.

Plough your own furrow

What better way to spend a Sunday afternoon than ploughing your own furrow in the heart of the Orkney mainland, preparing the ancient soil for a new lease of life.

The morning commute

This winter I have been flying to Westray, the Queen of the Isles, to teach English and History in the Junior High school! Journey time from Kirkwall to Westray: 15minutes!

Kirkwall Ba'

Did you wonder what the design of the letter "o" in Graham's Orkney Tours signifies?

The beginning

Graham's light-bulb moment, July 2023

Peedie steps

Friday, September 15th, 2023- my last day at school. Mixture of emotions; sad to be leaving my students but excited about the prospect of new adventures..